Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Radio interview with Jackie Chan about his first actor part in the US...

J: Jackie Chan
T: Talkmaster

T: Good evening Jackie ,how are you?

J: Good evening,oh I am fine I hope you ,too?

T: yes!
T: Jackie you are an Asian American, but the first time when you came to the US aou were an adult, how was this for you.

J: Ohh my god, yes the first time for my in the US were very very hard because, I searched a work in the movie buisness, and I was already a very popluar Person in China but here I was an Nobody. It was very hard for me.

T: What do you think, was the reason why you did’nt get a job very fastly?

J: Ohh I think ohh this is only an Chinese we don’t want an Chinese as an actor.

T: How do you get your first actor part.

J: I showed the people what I can do. And a lot of them were ardent, and so I get my first actor part. I can only say, you musn’t give up your hope, if you have enough self-esteem you can get everything you want.

T: Thank you Jackie, bye , have a nice day.

J: Thanks too. Have a nice day too.

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